Language Corner

A Kulluvi story and a poem:

Do you now that in the Kullu valley in Himachal Pradesh, India, people speak a language called Kulluvi? Unfortunately, it is enlisted by the UNESCO as one of the endangered languages.

Do you want to hear a story in Kulluvi language? It is being narrated by Mrs Usha Kaur Kondal, the mother of our friend and Kulluvi language consultant Trupt Kaur Kondal. Here it is:

Trupt has also narrated a Kulluvi Poem:


A Wadvali story:

In the vicinity of the University of Mumbai, in the neighboring district of Palghar, several interesting languages are thriving. One of them is Wadvali, a language associated with both Marathi and Konkani. Listen to a story in Wadvali, narrated by our friend and Wadvali language consultant Smruti D’Cunha.